Our Mindsets and Actions are our DNA. They shape everything we do at Nissan.



  • Cross-functional, Cross-cultural: Be open and show empathy towards different views; welcome diversity.
  • Transparent: Be clear, be simple, no vagueness and no hiding.
  • Learner: Be passionate. Learn from every opportunity; create a learning company.
  • Frugal: Achieve maximum results with minimum resources.
  • Competitve: No complacency, focus on competition, and continuous benchmarking



  • Motivate: How are you energising yourself and others?
  • Commit & Target: Are you accountable and are you stretching enough toward your potential?
  • Perform: Are you fully focused on delivering results?
  • Measure: How do you assess performance?
  • Challenge: How are you driving continuous and competitive progress across the company?